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Buyer We Match Vendors Competing for your Business near you with INSTANT Quote & the ability to place the order without Credit Card processing as Products/Services vary as to the % down.

This is all free to Buyers and instantly you get Multiple Bids if multiple vendors have subscribed.  If no Vendors it displays 'No product/service found for this selection.'

In only 6 steps you will have the bids and you do not have to wait days for calls & or visits like other site have.


  1. Register.
  2. Select the applicable Product/Services you are seeking.
  3. Answer the options, & or you can view the different Vendors Overview info.
  4. Select up to three vendors to get quotes. Others email vendors, then they call you.
  5. Submit the request for Quotes and view the Prices, if ready select who you want to place it with.
  6. You receive two emails one with the Recap of options and Price, another if this was the first visit to the vendor, so you can change your password.
  7. The vendors will contact you to start the order or if only a quote to see where you are in the process.
  8. Arrange the Deposit and payment directly with the vendor, then balance when the job is complete.

Vendors we are accepting new vendors in many different industries.  Just click this Link and email us your Phone # and we will reply.  You will have a unique website just for you that you only have to apply your pricing rules.

Patented 247eQuotes With Multiple Instant Quotes + + DNN® WCMS=Accurate Quotes + Lower Overhead & More Exposure, Produces Increased Sales 24/7